Foreign National Loans

The Foreign National Mortgage Program typically allows non-U.S. citizens or residents to apply for a mortgage loan without requiring a Social Security number or U.S. credit history. Instead, lenders evaluate the applicant's financial qualifications based on alternative documentation, such as their passport, visa, employment verification, bank statements, and other relevant financial records.

The program aims to accommodate various types of property purchases, including second home, vacation home, and investment properties. Lenders may offer both fixed-rate and adjustable-rate mortgage options, with terms and conditions tailored to the borrower's needs. Interest rates and down payment requirements can vary depending on factors like the borrower's creditworthiness, the loan amount, and the property location.

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At Mortgage Queen Florida LLC, we’re your trusted mortgage company, specializing in reliable and convenient mortgage loan services throughout Florida. As Florida mortgage specialists, we have the expertise and experience to help you find the loan option to fit your unique needs. Learn more about the mortgage loan options we help with below and contact us to get started.


What Is a Non-Qualified Mortgage?

A non-qualified mortgage (commonly referred to as “non-QM”) is a type of mortgage loan that does not meet the eligibility criteria of a qualified mortgage under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s (CFPB) Qualified Mortgage (QM) rule. Non-QM loans are typically offered to borrowers who don’t fit into the traditional QM lending box.


Who Does a Non-Qualified Mortgage Benefit?

Non-QM loans are designed to provide mortgage options to those unable to qualify for a traditional QM loan. This type of loan can be beneficial for those who are self-employed, have a large down payment, or have a large number of liquid assets. Non-QM loans may also be beneficial for those whose credit score has been affected by recent financial hardships.


About Our Non-Qualified Mortgage Services

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the best mortgage loan services. We offer a variety of non-QM loan options tailored to meet your unique needs. We understand everyone’s financial situation is different and we are here to help you find the loan option that works best for you.


Other Mortgage Loan Services We Offer

In addition to our non-QM loan options, we also offer a variety of other mortgage loan services. Our other loan options include bank statement loans, liquid asset loans, and foreign national loans.

Why Choose Us?

  • We’re committed to providing the best mortgage loan services

  • We’re licensed in all of Florida

  • We’re specialized in cash-based transactions

  • We take what the banks don’t want, making sure you get the loan you need

At Mortgage Queen Florida LLC, our Florida mortgage specialists are here to help you find the loan option best for you. We specialize in providing reliable and convenient mortgage loan services throughout all of Florida. Contact our team to learn more about our non-QM loan options and other mortgage loan services!